Garage and Moving Sale — 09-18-2019
HUGE Church Yard Sale! On Saturday September 28, 2019 (8:00am to 12:00pm) Brand name new Shoes, Fancy Dresses, Clothes, etc......
Garage and Moving Sale — 09-18-2019
HUGE Church Yard Sale! On Saturday September 28, 2019 (8:00am to 12:00pm) Brand name new Shoes, Fancy Dresses, Clothes, etc......
Van — 09-18-2019
I have a grooming van that needs parking willing to pay. Please reply if you have a free spot in your driveway and want extra cash....
Construction Jobs — 09-18-2019
About 200 feet in remodeled trailer..I have materials..you need experience and tools...
$40 — Appliances — 09-18-2019
Front loader Maytag electric dryer. white. 240 plug. dryer was used twice and then put into storage for a year. Very low miles on the motor, however some surface damage (scratches) occurred by careles...
Auto Services — 09-18-2019
Pacific Coach. Tango 208 beautiful condition hardly used. 5000lbs. 33ft long....
Computers and Electronics — 09-18-2019
I purchased this Ryzen online however decided to go with the 3700x instead and NewEgg would not allow returns. This CPU has never been opened. I can show receipt for piece of mind. Do NOT call me tryi...
Off Road Vehicle — 09-18-2019
Gen3 FUNCO in excellent dune ready condition. Engine: Subaru 2.5 liter with Turbo, closed deck block and 350+ horsepower Fuel: E-85 conversion Trans: Mindeola 2D Wheels: Bead lock front/rear ...
Events — 09-17-2019
YARD SALESat. & Sun.Sept. 21 & 228a to 4 p.18561 Juniper Hesperia 92345 ...
RV — 09-17-2019
Tired of sleeping in my car. I want to find a camper so i can have more space and money. Cook inside and close my storage so i can put that stuff inside. Have a closet again. Bathroom.. I have an xter...
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