washer and dryer
$200 — Appliances — 10-16-2019
used Kenmore washer and dryer/standard white...
Community — 10-16-2019
She's a young petite tabby cat, Important part of our family, can't imagine life without her ......
Home and Furnitures — 10-16-2019
Beautiful metal patio set excellent condition. Bought for $600.00 selling for $275.00...
Roomate Wanted — 10-16-2019
10× 12 room full furnished close to river and shopping. Shared half bath. Incl. Utility's plus wifi. $750 deposit $750. ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 10-16-2019
A little bit of everything, very old stuff to some new stuff! We are purging!! Friday & Saturday, 10/18 & 10/19/2019 -- 9 am, it starts, no early birds!!...
$500 — Clothes — 10-15-2019
Beautiful real fur Alpaca Coat. Good condition! Cream color. Originally was $15,0000. I will sell for $500 ONLY, size S...
Tickets — 10-15-2019
2 Tickets to SOLD out concert at Vina Robles Amphitheatre Sunday, October 27 8pm(we are sad to not be able to attend)Can be sent to your mobile via Ticketmaster $175 OBO...
Roomate Wanted — 10-15-2019
Upstairs bedroom w/private bathroom, no pets, laundry available, parking on the street, quiet neighborhood. female preferred, available now. 1 person only, $850mo...
$700 — Appliances — 10-15-2019
Four new Nissan tires for sale with allow rims $700 of best offer....
$75 — Tickets — 10-15-2019
Selling one Knottsberry Farm + Soak City season pass good through September 2020, Normally $115, selling for only 75!! NO BLACKOUT DAYS :)...
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