Morty needs a new home. Due to a new job with lots of hours Morty has been spending a lot of time home alone. He deserves a lot of love and affection from someone that loves to play fetch and go on wa...
Auto Services —
Call 480-694-8544...
We are selling all kinds of Awesome Stuff!!! Designer clothing & purses, tons of women's clothing & shoes, kitchen supplies, home decor, washer & dryer, pictures, unique art, tools, fishing & hunting ...
Nice trailer 35 feet with 3 slides new tires has artic package like new condition&clean title. $2500 Call: (412) 301-6512 ....
Two Community 100 watt continuous two way loud speakers with stands, one 10” monitor speaker, 7 channel XR 600 F peavey mixer 2x200 Watts two high impedance mics one remote mic. $750.00
Must see....
White washer great shape 60 bucks...
Several succulent plant cuttings; Firestick and others...
Furniture, tools, household, toys, cabinets, appliances, clothes, electronics, just about everything.
1154 N 115th Pl, Mesa....Brown Rd & Meridian ...
Fri Oct 12 and Sun Oct 14 - 7am - 3 pm
241 Sirrine, Mesa, AZ 85210
Clothes, furniture, kitchen items, tools....
The standing desk is almost new ($300 new) as is the mat. Monitor is used but in good condition. Will sell all for $150 ...