Home Services —
Hello, my name is Joni. I come to you with 55 years of animal loving. I have worked at 2 veterinary hospitals and have been a dog groomer. I have fostered many dogs in my home, as well as sitting f...
Station for lease for stylist who want to be there own boss and make own hours 75 wk for full time 50 wk part time ...
I need someone to clean up storm debris in southern Worth County. No big limbs just lots of small stuff. 229 7769250. Willing to pay reasonable price....
Auto Services —
We Do All Repairs , Maintenance , and Custom Fabrication For Club Car , EZ-GO , yamaha, Golf Carts ...
$15 — Home Services —
I've been a care giver for 10 years and find it very rewarding. I cook and clean up, bath and dress, exercise as needed per doctor, light house keeping, linen change and wash laundry. I also do othe...
Former Licensed Child Care Provider by the State of Missouri has openings for three infants. Ages 6 weeks to 12 months of age. Located in Hazelwood, Missouri.. Off of N. Lindbergh. With over 18years o...
Professional residential cleaning serving Wilmington, DE and surrounding areas. Get customized cleaning at rates you can afford. Our staff is friendly, reliable, fully insured and background checked...
have experience installing iron fences,custom made cedar fences,chainlink fences w/gates.for home owners low income to Doctors. if i cant do a good job on your fence project i wont take the job. ...
We assist in a wide range of litigation issues. Criminal and civil. We have been in business since 2000 and prevailed in over 3000 cases. We fight for our clients rights....
Profitable snack soda vending route for sale.Turn key operation. Lake CIty FL, For more info please call....