Home Services —
Private Duty Registered Nurse with 25+ years experience caring for the elderly and handicapped primarily in long term/rehabilitation facilities. Current Florida nursing license, CPR and FEMA certifie...
https://swapourskills.com helps people to swap skills. For example, a person knows Autonomous driving , and wants to learn Clean Technologies. Another Clean Technologies person wants to explore Autono...
$50 — Service Wanted —
Need two large hedges with deep roots removed today if possible in Loxahatchee.would need to bring own equipment. Text me 813-532-7012...
For all your painting and Drywall Repair needs...An established Paint Company is giving free estimates.Rooms starting at $150.00 Call today don't put off that painting Project any longer..Fully Licen...
Auto Services —
Will send photos of luxurious feet.
Can be custom to liking.
Price can be negotiated...
professional punctual personal Chef been in the biz. for 32 years looking for that weekly home cooked meal plan. or catered event contact me at 954-806-7743 No need to lift a finger from begining to e...
Home Services —
Skilled and qualified, years of service. Call us today for all your painting needs, best prices ...
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Residential, light commercial, move in / move out, onetime,recurring , office, daily, maid services, every two weeks and much more cleaning.please call for free estimate . (727)-888-1761...