Teak table & 4 chairs. Table measures 94x47 & has a center pice 47x23 that will fold up and slide underneath the table. The 4 chairs rock/swivel and have Sunbrella cushions. Everything is in great con...
$350 — Home and Furnitures —
3 cushion sofa bed never used Beautiful fabric ...
Denon AVR 791 A/V Reciever with remote and various RCA cables + HDMI cables. great for home theater setup.
New $450. Asking $50 cash Chapel Hill area...
I have a two year old male bostBo terrier for sale...
I have a two year old male bostBo terrier for sale...
Signed print (117/150) of "Noah Gathers the Animals" by Holly Sue Buningh. Framed 28" x 38"...
$1500 — Home and Furnitures —
Energy King Wood Stove only 9 years old. Works great. ...
Lark 6x12 single axle , double door in rear and 1 side door. $2,850...
450 Yamaha grizzly 76 hours 4x4...
$600 — Home and Furnitures —
2 sets of French patio doors 8ft.x5ft. double paned with blinds between glass...