Items For Sale - USA

GARAGE SALE offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

Muli Family garage sale, two days 7/13/18 -7/14/18 - 1347 Libby Lane, New Richmond. Household items, deco items, some furniture. Good quality and quantity of items. No junk. We're ready to bargain...

Files offer Tools



12-piece set of professional files for both metal and wood. $15...

Hay Feeder offer Lawn and Garden

Hay Feeder

Lawn and Garden

Round hay bale feeder, metal, 3-piece. $150...

Antique Art Estate Sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Antique Art Estate Sale

Garage and Moving Sale

When: Saturday, July 21, 2018 from 9:00 am till 2:00 pmWhere: 7149 W. Cherokee Dr., Sedalia, CO 80135Over 50 works of art for sale including paintings by Alfred Rodriquez, George Elbert Burr, Charle...

multi yard sale, Ridgewood Manor, Smyrna, DE  13 Frenchmans Branch Drive, Smyrna, DE  July 14, 2018, 8 AM to 2 PM offer Garage and Moving Sale

multi yard sale, Ridgewood Manor, Smyrna, DE 13 Frenchmans Branch Drive, Smyrna, DE July 14, 2018, 8 AM to 2 PM

Garage and Moving Sale

Few neighbors getting together and having a yard sale at 13 Frenchman Branch Drive, Smyrna. DE 19977 June 14, 2018 8 AM to 2 PM...

Tool box offer Tools

Tool box


Craftsman toolbox, fully stocked with good-quality tools. Everything you need to do the job. $50....

Air compressor offer Tools

Air compressor


Campbell Hausfeld Power Pal air compressor with 6 gallon tank and hose. $100....

Office Desks offer Home and Furnitures

Office Desks

Home and Furnitures

The office is moving! Desks for sale cheap. 3 are 30" x 60", 6 are 40" x 24", 4 are 45 1/4"x 24". $25.00 each. Come and get them!...

Depression glass offer Appliances

Depression glass


Mint condition...

king bed offer Home and Furnitures

king bed

$550Home and Furnitures


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