Items For Sale - USA

Office Desk Chair offer Home and Furnitures

Office Desk Chair

$25Home and Furnitures

Excellent condition swivel, adjustable height, office Desk Chair. Pick up only. ...

Office Moving Sale - Office Desk and Chairs offer Business and Franchise

Office Moving Sale - Office Desk and Chairs

$50Business and Franchise

Office Moving Sale: 3 - Office Desk/Office Chairs and Supplies...

like new Whirlpool washer and dryer offer Appliances

like new Whirlpool washer and dryer


Washer is 5 yrs old. Dryer 4 yrs. Have been in storage for past 2 years. large load capacity. Washer is top load with locking lid. Very nice set. They are white.I am going into assisted living so need...

Hornady 224 dia ELD Match 75gr  offer Sporting Goods

Hornady 224 dia ELD Match 75gr

$85Sporting Goods

500 New 5.56 or 223 Match ELD Hornadys, bought the incorrect ones, my loss is your gain, paid $120 will sell for $85or trade for 500 77 gr Sierra HPBT of same dia....

Couch&Chair-antiques offer Home and Furnitures


$500Home and Furnitures

This beautiful set is upholstered in a lovely green brocade. The couch has 3 cushion seating. Carved wood areas are very intricate. Clean and in excellent condition....

Jewelry display items offer Business and Franchise

Jewelry display items

Business and Franchise

Cloth shelf covers, all type neck displays, spinners, Professional bags and carriers. Lighting for shows. Full display inventory used by wholesale fashion jewelry rep. Can do road work or profess...

Moving sale, all furnature must go,  reasonable. offer Home and Furnitures

Moving sale, all furnature must go, reasonable.

Home and Furnitures

couch and matching love seat, Kitchen table and four chairs, Regulor size brass bed,,good condition, coffee table, End tables, Antique chest. Lamps...

2 chainsaws  offer Lawn and Garden

2 chainsaws

$600Lawn and Garden

2 Jonsered Chainsaws run great 600.00 for both cs2152 and 920...

Stained glass panels offer Arts

Stained glass panels


Prairie Style Stained-glass Panel. 9’’X7” Louis Tiffany invented the copper foiling method used today to make stained glass pieces. Official Frank Lloyd Wright Stained Glass Design ...

B.H.O. Extractor offer Appliances

B.H.O. Extractor


Terpp turnkey 2lb Extractor with heating tub. With temp.control.explosion proff.and chamber for cold trap.etc.can train....

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