Items For Sale - USA

snow blower offer Lawn and Garden

snow blower

$300Lawn and Garden

Ariens model 8524 8.5 Hp, electric start, 24 inches path, excellent condition!...

Men's Pajamas offer Clothes

Men's Pajamas


Blue plaid Broadcloth Stafford Men's Pajamas 3XL 2 piece Long sleeve, Long leg Unopened package $10.00Grey Plaid Covington Men's Flannel Pajama's XL 2 piece Long sleeve, Long leg Uno...

Snow plow offer Tools

Snow plow


Snow plow excellent condition please call Dave or text if interested and for more pics 724-513-6220 or Amanda 724-312-5163...

Garage Sale - 220 Orchid Drive, Placentia - 92870 offer Garage and Moving Sale

Garage Sale - 220 Orchid Drive, Placentia - 92870

Garage and Moving Sale

Sat.- Sun. Nov. 3-4, 2018 8:00AM-4:00PM.DESK, Stereo System, 52"Big Screen TV, Household items, clothing, shoes, purses, baby carriage, fish aquarium stand, wicker storage box, books, luggage stand, ...

Remodeling Garage Sale offer Home and Furnitures

Remodeling Garage Sale

Home and Furnitures

Lots of bargains. Household, furniture, bedding ,light fixtures, fall and winter clothing, footwear. Name brands at garage sale prices. Perfect for resale on eBay. Sale begins on Thursday at 9 a.m...

New and barely used, name brand, designer clothing at garage sale prices offer Clothes

New and barely used, name brand, designer clothing at garage sale prices


Thursday and Friday October 18 and 19 name brand and designer clothing and footwear will be sold at a Garage Sale located at 209 Maple Street Lowell, Michgan. Sale begins at 9 a.m....

Rebounder Trampoline  offer Sporting Goods

Rebounder Trampoline

Sporting Goods

Rebounder mini trampoline Used once. Has handles and can be elevated. Comes with cds too $50...

Living room set offer Home and Furnitures

Living room set

$800Home and Furnitures

Living room set, sectional baidge fabric sofa set, tiles design coffee table with side table, counsel light wood table and 10’x11’ carpet for sale $800...

delta baby crib sleigh bed style offer Kid Stuff

delta baby crib sleigh bed style

$70Kid Stuff


48 volt golf cart 1350 three new batteries 50 cent coke machine 325 obo will deliver offer Garage and Moving Sale

48 volt golf cart 1350 three new batteries 50 cent coke machine 325 obo will deliver

Garage and Moving Sale


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