Items For Sale - USA

HUGE SALE offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

Huge garage sale of misc. household items & womens clothing items....

fire wood offer Lawn and Garden

fire wood

Lawn and Garden

seasoned oak fire wood for sale 5 and 10$ camper stacks allso pick up trk loads u pick up or can deliv for a fee near fore lake in silversprings 10 mi outside ocalla on 314 call 724-250- 0900...

coyote rug offer Health and Beauty

coyote rug

$300Health and Beauty

coyote skin rug...

clean laths for kindling offer Lawn and Garden

clean laths for kindling

Lawn and Garden

i have medium boxes of clean dry laths for $20.00 and large boxes of clean dry laths for $30.00 they are from a 100 year old house. They are from the ceiling and walls and they have been all cut to st...

Yard Sale by Dana start date 11/10/2018 8 AM to 12 PM Florence offer Clothes

Yard Sale by Dana start date 11/10/2018 8 AM to 12 PM Florence


I am having a yard sale at start date 11/10/2018 8 AM to 12 PM in Florence at 1053 Clarendon avenue off 2nd loop rd you need to take a turn onto pointset & go to where it reaches 1700 pointset and tak...

Dishes offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

80 pieces plus serving dishes. White and floral design. From 1950's. $80.00....

Weights and Bench offer Sporting Goods

Weights and Bench

$150Sporting Goods

Weight Bench, Bars and 325# steel weights...

Shop full of wood working tools. offer Tools

Shop full of wood working tools.


My husband built musical instruments and also cabinets. He passed away last year and his tools and wood need to be in use. See photos of a few. $2,000.00 will take all of the tools in the shop....

Ridged Heavy Duty Pipe wrenched 48''-36'' sizes Aluminum and Steel offer Tools

Ridged Heavy Duty Pipe wrenched 48''-36'' sizes Aluminum and Steel


1-48' Aluminum HD Pipe Wrench, 1-48'' Steel HD Pipe Wrench, 2-36'' Steel HD Pipe Wrench, Call for Prices 1-864-238-5301...

Old Apple computers offer Computers and Electronics

Old Apple computers

Computers and Electronics

Apple 2E. Mac plus Power Mac...

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