Single panel, 172" wide x 100" long. Custom made with blackout lining. Fabricated in October 2017 and sold for $1385 to cover a 12 foot slider. Color didn't work perfectly for my customer so they hav...
Door complete with jam ready to install. with hardware deadbolt lock and knob lock. 36" width by standard height. Excellent condition. Wife wanted a different door lite to go with remodel of front en...
WYNDHAM Fine China Japan BRIDAL LACE #420Service for 12 95
Pieces Mint condition Beautiful
white on white with Platinum Trim and Lace. Vintage. Complete 95 piece set. Twelve place se...
$350 — Home and Furnitures —
Red and gold with decorative dark brown wood....
4 chairs and expandeble table looknow new....
Boat is in great shape. 2 live wells center counsel 2 battery push pole platform. 70 hp johnson. Aluminum tralier. ...
artist rendition framed ( Nano Lopez ) $ 325. make an offer...
Her name is Lolli, she is about 5 years old, my mother had to go up north and could not take her, and between school and work i dont have the time to give her, she is a very nervous dog doesn't like l...
$100 — Sporting Goods —
I have a baylor bears tee shirt autographed with 13 players names worth 230.00 i need the money so i am giving it up for 100.00 more then a fair deal . It is from the basketball team. anyone intereste...
Moving Sale Saturday Jan. 20 8-2pm. Selling everything from pianos to furniture to books. Located in Riverside...