Hair stylist
Full Time — 01-26-2022
Looking for a stylist full or part time. High commission with a clientele,or station with low rent.Trendy hip place to work.Fun and stress free environment..Come bye or call anytime . HAIR ON FI...
Full Time — 01-26-2022
Looking for a stylist full or part time. High commission with a clientele,or station with low rent.Trendy hip place to work.Fun and stress free environment..Come bye or call anytime . HAIR ON FI...
$1200 — Full Time — 10-14-2021
ServeStar is growing! In an effort to meet our clients rapidly increasing service volume, ServeStar, a regional commercial plumbing and maintenance service provider, is now seeking qualified applicant...
Full Time — 08-08-2021
I looking for a receptionist for full time at the brow spa . Must have experience. Good environment...
Full Time — 07-24-2021
Full time position available now, for a gas station Sunoco in downtown Jacksonville. We need employees for two or three positions. We can train a responsible and serious person who needs the job. Cal...
Full Time — 07-12-2021
Se necesita manicuristas para un salon que abre pronto en el Doral. Llamar a Laura 786-657-5208...
Full Time — 07-12-2021
Nail Technicians Needed. Looking for nail technicians for a new salon in the Doral Area. Call Laura : 786-657-5208...
Full Time — 04-18-2021
Entry level position with Pressure Washing Company. On the job training, no experience required. Good driving record, good attendance, ability to lift 50 pounds. Pressure wash exterior homes roof, dri...
Full Time — 03-31-2020
Looking for an experienced underground missile operator fo burying drops. Will need references. ...
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