Tools — 04-30-2019
3500 watt Briggs and Stranton Generator. New still in box. $300.00. No taxes. ...
Tools — 04-30-2019
3500 watt Briggs and Stranton Generator. New still in box. $300.00. No taxes. ...
$1000 — Tools — 04-29-2019
This is a very large old anvil. those who have them generally keep them. You will see by the pictures what I'm saying. Serious buyers only please. This Anvil from tip of horn to the end is 27 inches e...
Tools — 04-27-2019
Table saw 35 dollars Metering saw. 40 dollars Drill press 60 dollars Belt sander 30 dollars ...
Tools — 04-20-2019
Used Grizzly 15", 220V Planer with extra blades, $500; Grizzly 6" Jointer, $125; Porter Cable 25 gallon 135psi compressor, $150; Jet 1100 cfm Dust collection system, $125; router and router table, $85...
Tools — 04-18-2019
this sander runs great. I bought used and have used it for two years and it’s been great. I think it holds about three yards of sand. She’s a runner. I paid 1200 asking sameness. I’ve been through en...
Tools — 04-17-2019
Craftsman 10" Table Saw $100Craftsman 10" Radial Arm Saw $100Craftsman 16" Scroll Saw $403 Circular Saws $20 eachDove Tail Jig (NEW) $30Dewalt Biscuit Joiner $$40Ryobi 12" Thickness Planner $40Porter-...
Tools — 04-15-2019
Sharpening your clipper blades for grooming and sheep shearing save money on your equipment sharpening. Easy to use pick up only. 600.00...
Tools — 04-14-2019
Misc. tools such as band saws, table saws, and other small tools. over $2000.00 worth of different types of knives such as knives traded with the American Indians, pocket knives and mostly fix blade k...
Tools — 04-14-2019
Wine Bottle Floor Corker, Portuguese Red. $50 The Floor Corker Is Made In Portugal. It Is Well Suited For The Home Winemaker Who Is In Need Of An Easier/Faster Method Of Corking Wine Bottles. A S...
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