Items For Sale > Home and Furnitures - USA

Nearly new love seat offer Home and Furnitures

Nearly new love seat

Home and Furnitures

Nearly new love seat. Perfect condition. Toast colored. Paid over $600, asking $250. Travelers Rest...

Ethan Allen 4 Poster Bed Set offer Home and Furnitures

Ethan Allen 4 Poster Bed Set

Home and Furnitures

Full size bed, dresser and night stand. A1 Condition. $300.00...

Stunning chandelier offer Home and Furnitures

Stunning chandelier

$250Home and Furnitures

Stunning chandelier, Brown mwtal, smooth oval crystals, nubby.imen shades,32”x34”—Clean,pristine condition—all parts to hang. Matching 2-light sconces. This is a chandelier that everyone oohs and ah...

Living room set offer Home and Furnitures

Living room set

Home and Furnitures

Beautiful 3 piece set. Sofa,loveseat,wing chair...

Large House for sale to be moved offer Home and Furnitures

Large House for sale to be moved

Home and Furnitures

3 Bedroom, 2 Bath , Utility Room, large walk in closet, large pantry. House must be moved, over 2000sq. Ft under for more info..318-359-2513...

Bunk beds offer Home and Furnitures

Bunk beds

Home and Furnitures

Bunk beds. Red, yellow, blue heavy duty metal. Mattresses, mattress pads and sheets. Good condition. 40.00 ...

KithenAid Professional 5 Mixer offer Home and Furnitures

KithenAid Professional 5 Mixer

Home and Furnitures

This is like a new one, l've only used it a couple of times. It is too large for my use. It is Black in color,it is a stand type. Which the head dose not move . The bowl is stainless, it mounts on the...

Antique wooden Glider rocker  offer Home and Furnitures

Antique wooden Glider rocker

Home and Furnitures

Antique wooden glider rocker, molded round back with detail carving. $100 or OBO. 262-442-4502...

Oak Dinning Set, Six Matching Chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Oak Dinning Set, Six Matching Chairs

Home and Furnitures

Oak dinning set, six matching chairs. Asking $250...

Generator offer Home and Furnitures


$300Home and Furnitures

Champion Generation used only one time not for long new 35,000BTU call 401-383-1855...

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