Items For Sale > Health and Beauty - USA

Guardian Aspire motorized wheelchair offer Health and Beauty

Guardian Aspire motorized wheelchair

$2000Health and Beauty

Lightly used motorized wheelchair... Been in storage (covered)...needs battery (was removed for storage)...paid $7000 will take $2000 or consider reasonable offer ...

Resmed Series 9 CPAP Machine  offer Health and Beauty

Resmed Series 9 CPAP Machine

Health and Beauty

Resmed Series9 CPAP machine with all needed accessories....

Elite Fitness Inverter offer Health and Beauty

Elite Fitness Inverter

Health and Beauty

Xmas present. Can't use for health reasons. Cost 150.00, Sell for 75.00...

Exercise Bike offer Health and Beauty

Exercise Bike

$300Health and Beauty

Schwinn Airdyne exercise Bike in good condition 300.00 cash only 900.00 new ...

Gold's Gym mimi stepper w/monitor new condition offer Health and Beauty

Gold's Gym mimi stepper w/monitor new condition

Health and Beauty

Gold's Gym mimi stepper with monitor.In new condition....

resmed c Pap  machine offer Health and Beauty

resmed c Pap machine

Health and Beauty

I have a newer style resmed c pap maching with built in humifier. With carrying case. I would like 250.oo for it. Call 517 649 2337....

Ascend cpap set up. offer Health and Beauty

Ascend cpap set up.

$30Health and Beauty

New comes with 3 mask, headgear, hoses, and tube if needed to hook to oxygen. 30.00 each or 4 for 100.00...

Inversion Table offer Health and Beauty

Inversion Table

Health and Beauty

Lightly used Inversion Table, $70...

Drive Roolator Walker offer Health and Beauty

Drive Roolator Walker

$60Health and Beauty

This is a medical walker that fold's up for easy travel. It has six inch wheels, padded seat, padded folding back rest, under seat storage area and zipped personal storage. Color is silver and unit is...

Dumb bells 5lbs to 40lbs plus rack offer Health and Beauty

Dumb bells 5lbs to 40lbs plus rack

Health and Beauty

This could be the perfect gift for your exercise enthusiast! Online for $950. This could be yours for $375! Merry Christmas!...

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