Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

Moving sale

  • Publish Date: 06-09-2020 14:11:34 |
  • Contact: Bill Rowe |
  • Location: Florida 34243 |
  • Place: Sarasota-University to Whitfield 1 minute to Timberlake apt 809 |
  • 1439 times displayed |

Electric bike-appraised for $1000 by dealer. Range 25miles per trip, speed25 m.p.h. then recharge. furniture, wooded personal desk with drawers (4) $24., Clothes dryer $20, washer free-needs unsplecified work. kitchen table with 4 oak chairs (Clawfoot oak with insert) $90. all prices somewhat negotiable, Glass table for outdoor or indoor with 4 chairs, 3 bookcases-almost new, being used for collectible display and photo stands and large monitor on top. $22 each. Pans, glass and metal. Books-all categories-..75 cents up. Queen bed with almost new mattress and single matching metal bed-almost new. almost new metal lamps floor and desk type. 2 matching Robb and Stucky gold fabric sofas-recently purchased from high end estate sale for $440. make not wish to carry with us if possible. Framed art...oil and some signed. all types, carefully collected from estate sales...from$600 Venice scene to ordinary $20. ...surprise yourself, make an offer on pieces you like. Some jewelry. Some sports Titliest golf balls in boxes. Waste baskets, dishes--paraphernalia to browse. baseball glove. Outdoor white wicker chairs from estate sale-one a rocking chair-all good shape items.

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