Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

Huge parking lot sale Kennewick WA

  • Publish Date: 07-03-2022 14:34:36 |
  • Contact: Anne Craff |
  • Location: Washington 99336 |
  • Place: Kennewick |
  • 492 times displayed |

HUGE YARD SALE Saturday July 9th and Sunday July 10th from 9 am to 3 pm at 15 North Cascade Street, Kennewick, in the parking lot.

We have tents, canopies, tables and chairs (like new) as well as bedside tables, dressers, 2 queen size beds, and 2 armoires, dishes, Seahawks and Mariners memorabilia, camping gear, some yard and garden tools, expanding garden hoses (new), cookware, Keurig coffee maker, roasting pans, etc. Raggedy Anne and Andy dolls and craft items. Many home decor and collectibles. Lots of good finds and treasures in this large sale. The furniture is well-made and heavy. Bring help. NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE.

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