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Rascal Electric Scooter - $1500

  • Publish Date: 01-26-2018 12:38:49 |
  • Contact: Tammy Hadley |
  • Location: Colorado 80501 |
  • 1217 times displayed |
Rascal Electric Scooter

Hi, my scooter is in excellent condition it's under 2 year's old only used it for 3 months cuz I ended up at Sweedish Hospital for months. It was 10 grand I am only asking 1,500 cuz I need to get it sold so I can get me a RV camper that I can live in as soon as possible. It is a 4 tire scooter has speed control dial, a lever on side so you can swivel seat left or right for easy entering and exiting. The seat can be raised real high or wherever you need it by turning key to the left and using the reverse and forward handle's it even has a loud horn. You can even hook a small trailer on the back of it. It's in great shape oh and the weight limit on it is 450 lbs

Tags: scooter

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