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Home and Furnitures — 02-03-2019
Make me an offer moving sale ...
$700 — Home and Furnitures — 01-22-2019
Marble table and 6 chairs,great condition,moving sale ...
Home and Furnitures — 01-12-2019
I have a free slate pool table, all you need to do is pick it up and reassemble. Remember Free is good. No picture as it need to be reassembled....
Home and Furnitures — 12-22-2018
King Size air mattress with compresser, great condition, yours for the taking. In three large bags. Call first....
Home and Furnitures — 12-06-2018
Ocean Gate Treasures Bayville NJ is closing 50% to 75% off Please come for your treasures at great pricesDisplays are also for sale521 Atlantic City Blvd Bayville NJ 08721...
Home and Furnitures — 11-14-2018
Had a fire in April. Lost everything. Bought a cabin now. Need insulation drywall. Regret. And other things. I am a 61 yr. Old disabled person on a very small fixed income. Can you please help....
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