help for Christmas for 4 kids
- Publish Date: 12-17-2021 15:26:40 |
- Contact: Elizabeth Borges |
- Location: USA |
- 231 times displayed |

Hello I have 4 kids that I think really deserve a Christmas or at least one gift they really want to open on Christmas. I'm sharing their list with 10 items each for you to choose anything off it so they can get something they like. my first is Layla a girl she's 8 turning 9 Feb 19th, my second is Christopher a boy he's 4 turning 5 the 19th of this month, 3rd I have Vincent a boy he's 2 turning 3 august 16th, and last i have Jacob a boy he's 10months old he will be a year old Feb 3rd. if someone could please help them open one gift this year would be amazing. thank you in advance. even if they come late its better then nothing at all.
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