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- Publish Date: 03-02-2021 13:59:10 |
- Contact: JOE SMITH |
- Location: New Jersey 07753 |
- Place: MCSPCA |
- 761 times displayed |
On January 24th, a horrendous incident occurred at the Monmouth County SPCA. A
dog escaped and was killed at the hands of the shelter. Joker was first brought to the
shelter in __march__ of 2020 after being seized from an animal cruelty case in Asbury
Park. He was at the shelter for __10__ months before getting a loving volunteer foster
family. After only a few weeks, Chief Licitra ordered that Joker Be brought back to live at
the shelter. It is suspected that the request was made after the volunteer made errors at
the shelter; not with Joker. After spending the weekend in the back of the shelter, with
no chance of adoption!!! He escaped. Joker was able to get out due to BROKEN
DOORS and faulty latches that were previously reported to management. All of
management knew and all directors including Chief Licitra and they did nothing to
protect the dogs. Just put it on the back burner.
After leaving the shelter property he proceeded to walk/run down _wall __ street to the
parking lot of Best Buy. A few ladies attempted to help but did not know Joker was
afraid of people due to his past.
No one could catch Joker, I could only image how scared and frightened he was right
before he ran into Route 36. Joker was hit by a car and allegedly caused a bad
accident. He was killed instantly. This is a HORRIFIC STORY!
But the funny thing is, there are no police or accident reports about this horrific incident.
Ross Licitra and the MCSPCA management covered it up. Joker’s death needs to be
known and his memory to be honored. The people who donate to the MCSPCA have a
right to know what type of organization they are supporting and that the Monetary
donations are not going towards fixing broken things, to keep these animals safe from
harm! That some ones pockets are being padded pretty nice ! Hence funding for Chief
Licitras Freeholder position!!!!!
SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. There are no police reports or news stories any
where. !! Asbury park press never wrote a statement Nor Channel 12 news Extremely
odd !!!!! You would think with a dog that got killed and a car accident something would
be out there. Who’s paying for the repairs to the vehicles involved? The donors to the
Chief Licitra Needs to be questioned about the matter along with the board of directors
held accountable for this matter and others that have been covered up!!
A Full investigation needs to happened from to the top to the bottom
This organization has been bullying the workers and making it clear to shut their mouths
or loose the job!
When will it STOP.
dog escaped and was killed at the hands of the shelter. Joker was first brought to the
shelter in __march__ of 2020 after being seized from an animal cruelty case in Asbury
Park. He was at the shelter for __10__ months before getting a loving volunteer foster
family. After only a few weeks, Chief Licitra ordered that Joker Be brought back to live at
the shelter. It is suspected that the request was made after the volunteer made errors at
the shelter; not with Joker. After spending the weekend in the back of the shelter, with
no chance of adoption!!! He escaped. Joker was able to get out due to BROKEN
DOORS and faulty latches that were previously reported to management. All of
management knew and all directors including Chief Licitra and they did nothing to
protect the dogs. Just put it on the back burner.
After leaving the shelter property he proceeded to walk/run down _wall __ street to the
parking lot of Best Buy. A few ladies attempted to help but did not know Joker was
afraid of people due to his past.
No one could catch Joker, I could only image how scared and frightened he was right
before he ran into Route 36. Joker was hit by a car and allegedly caused a bad
accident. He was killed instantly. This is a HORRIFIC STORY!
But the funny thing is, there are no police or accident reports about this horrific incident.
Ross Licitra and the MCSPCA management covered it up. Joker’s death needs to be
known and his memory to be honored. The people who donate to the MCSPCA have a
right to know what type of organization they are supporting and that the Monetary
donations are not going towards fixing broken things, to keep these animals safe from
harm! That some ones pockets are being padded pretty nice ! Hence funding for Chief
Licitras Freeholder position!!!!!
SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. There are no police reports or news stories any
where. !! Asbury park press never wrote a statement Nor Channel 12 news Extremely
odd !!!!! You would think with a dog that got killed and a car accident something would
be out there. Who’s paying for the repairs to the vehicles involved? The donors to the
Chief Licitra Needs to be questioned about the matter along with the board of directors
held accountable for this matter and others that have been covered up!!
A Full investigation needs to happened from to the top to the bottom
This organization has been bullying the workers and making it clear to shut their mouths
or loose the job!
When will it STOP.
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