$123456 — Home and Furnitures —
Please Read before Responding!
Addison Modern Furniture Co.
Everything 70%++ OFF Retail!
Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, Herman Miller, Room and Board, Sofas ...
the air compressor is brand new never used.Asking$250.00 brand new cost almost $400.00.See Pictures....
Two Ton Carrier units Electric. No more than 6 months old you get the heating and cooling as a unit. I have 2 of them they are keeped in my garage at this time. I'm asking $900.00 each...
$9 — Cleaning Services —
Busco travajadores de limpieza que tengan transportacion para trabajar en el Centro de Dallas. Se trabaja durante el dia de Lunez a Viernes y tambien el find de semana 4 horas.Por favor llamen a All...
$750 — House For Rent —
A room for rent in the Dallas/Duncanville/Oak cliff area, right up the street from the Potters House.
6 month lease only...
All bills paid.
$750 a month
Mujeres para limpieza de casas contratacion inmediata llamar o mandar texto al 2145160232...
$750 — Lawn and Garden —
Smoker with electric rotisserie (needs new switch) with 4 3-foot trays. In good condition. $750 OBO. Call or text evenings only. ...
Lost title, parts car. Blown motor, no alternator, no distributer. 250k+...
Items Wanted —
Proud grandmother (Grandmeow, is what she calls me ) ..... in need of a bed for my soon to be 3 years old granddaughter.She is living with me now but her bed was in storage when her parents lost all c...