Home Services —
SF Painting Pressure Washing and Mobile Detail. Cars Trucks Rigs Campers Boats Homes Mobile Homes Decks etc... We come to you! We also offer handy man services. No job too big or too small. Call for d...
$250 — Lawn and Garden —
We have several above ground tanks: 550 gal $250; 6,000 gal $3,000; 10,000 gal $5,000 htweedell@msn.com...
BIG MOVING SALE Saturday May 19, 9 am -Noon at 155 Orchard Circle, Athens GA. Items include:Living room furniture, pool table w/ game attachments, piano, kitchen items, wall items, Christmas lawn item...
Auto Services —
Work on moped scooters if you need it worked on let me know...
$200 — Musical Instrument —
Pool table excellent condition with additional table top for ping pong & table hockey. You must have your own pool table remover....
$12 — General Labor —
I'm looking for a job I just moved to Athens and in need for a job I have been the construction field for 15 years...
$12 — General Labor —
I have did a lot of construction in my life I am a painter and drywall hanger and finisher I can do concrete Windows and doors...
Upscale home furnishings, designer handbags, womens apparel. It's a delightful experience....
Upscale home furnishings and name brand women's clothing. April 27- 28 8am till 3:00...