Classifieds - Florida

Kennel associate offer Part Time

Kennel associate

$9Part Time

Seasonal kennel help wanted weekends and holidays. Will train. Reliable transportation. ...

Front load washer/dryer with steam.  Excellent condition.  offer Appliances

Front load washer/dryer with steam. Excellent condition.


Electrolux front loading washer and dryer with steam cycle. Works perfect. Looks new. You have to pick up. ...

 DISHES...TEMPTATIONS  offer Home and Furnitures


$400Home and Furnitures

Old World style.... RED....full set of all bakeware and accessory pieces and service for 8 dinnerware. Like new, moving and redecorating......

manufactured Home offer Mobile Home For Sale

manufactured Home

$125000Mobile Home For Sale

Home in a gated, 55 plus, Citrus Park,Fully Furnished...

Tarzan offer Books



1 Tarzan of the Apes3 The Beasts of Tarzan7 Tarzan the Untamed8 Tarzan the Terrible9 Tarzan and the Golden Lion10 Tarzan and the Ant Men19 Tarzan's QuestSavage PellucidarThe Mad KingThe Moon Mai...

Padal Boat offer Sporting Goods

Padal Boat

$300Sporting Goods

New condition Pelican Monaco 5 seat Padal boat with sunshade. Accessories include: 2 oars, child life vest, 2 floating seat cushions and anchor. Fits in the back of a standard pickup truck....

Pet sitter offer Part Time

Pet sitter

$12Part Time

Need pet sitter for 2 sweet cats and one sweet dog under 10 lbs. will need sitter one week in July. Must’ve dependable and love animals. Text for interview at 352 422 7330 [I pay per visit]...

Roche-Bobis Living Room Sofa Set offer Home and Furnitures

Roche-Bobis Living Room Sofa Set

Home and Furnitures

White leather. Seldom used. Area of distress. Original cost over $12,000. ...

capital available for business commercial & venture capital offer Financial Services

capital available for business commercial & venture capital

Financial Services

Capital available for business, Capital Capital available for business, commercial &venture capital $50,000 UP Call (941) 592-5434/vinsema7@ ...

Fornite  offer Web Services


$5Web Services

There's a really cute fornite skin I like and my mom gave me the money but there was a tax so now I need to pay five more dollars. So can someone be nice and give it to me, my paypal is- nelly20176359...

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