Classifieds - Florida

Wanted: Person with a truck to drive me to Tampa one time! offer Driving Jobs

Wanted: Person with a truck to drive me to Tampa one time!

Driving Jobs

I need to pick up a couch in west Tampa right off highway 60! Tomorrow morning 7-2-19 at 9:30am! To pick up a couch! I will pay you $50 roundtrip! From Holiday Lake Estates to Tampa and back!...

TOTAL GYM offer Sporting Goods


$150Sporting Goods

Complete with accessories, mat and paperwork. Good-very good condition. South Ft Myers. First $150 cash that picks it up will take it. (It will fold to fit in standard car).I may not be able to answer...

Office furnitures for sale at great price offer Garage and Moving Sale

Office furnitures for sale at great price

Garage and Moving Sale

Selling boardroom table with chairs, 3 desks with hutch One fridge Water cooler Folding table Small desk Microwave Bookshelfs Large storage Package deal available ...

Fridge  offer Appliances



In mint condition ...

Credenza offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

an antique credenza...

credenza offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

selling antique furniture ...

part time roofing estimator offer Construction Jobs

part time roofing estimator

Construction Jobs

experienced part time roofing estimator for South Florida...

2004 Lincoln Town Car  offer Car

2004 Lincoln Town Car


2004 Lincoln Town Car with 162,000 miles. Good Runner. Everything works except A/C. Needs a recharge. $950.00 OBO. ...

Aquarium offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

300 gallon Aquarium,never used with very Large Cabinet,very beautiful Excellent Condition comes with a 100 gallon aquarium,this one needs the cabinet top fixed. Will not send pictures,must see. $450...

1998 Ford Windstar $3800 offer Van

1998 Ford Windstar $3800


In great condition, well maintained, cold AC, nearly new tires, Sirius radio hookup. This is a perfect work vehicle or leave the seats in and haul the kids around in it. Clean and ready to roll.Under ...

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