Two 26' trucks, and additional crew available.
Huge 4,000 lb capacity lift gate and ramp for faster moving.
We can move you short or long distance no problem.
Professional packing services av...
Auto Services —
Are you struggling with a car that isn't running? Are you melting as your drive in the Florida heat with no A/C? Or is it just time for a tune up on your car? Let us help you with all your automotive ...
Auto Services —
Are you struggling with a car that isn't running? Are you melting as your drive in the Florida heat with no A/C? Or is it just time for a tune up on your car? Let us help you with all your automotive ...
Toshiba 46" color TV with Stand. VCR included...
Canon Digital Camera with Case. Includes disc for downloading to computer...
Recently refurbished Kirby Generation 3 Vacuum with attachments...
$60 — Lawn and Garden —
I recently had Hurricane Shutters installed in my home and have no need for my old shutter panels which consist of 20 sections. Used them for about 10 years and they worked great!...
$35 — Home and Furnitures —
Purchased this section to see how it would look in my backyard around the pool. Loved the way it looked, but it would have been too expense to cover entire fence in my yard as this section was $70. It...
$25 — Home and Furnitures —
Antiqued Finish Frame Beveled Edge Mirror For Sale, In excellent condition no scratches. Actual Frame Measurements are 29 x 26 and can be hung horizonal or diagonal, comes with hanging attachments on ...
$50 — Home and Furnitures —
Black Wrought Iron Bistro Set, Table measures 29" round with wood varnished top and chair seats. Very sturdy and in good condition. Selling for 50.00...