Six mobile home lots - 100 ft x 80 ft. each. Sold as is and all six lots together. Owner can not offer owner financing. Contact # 850/913-1901 ask for Dorothy
Asking $14,000.00
Located on Adair R...
Masks sewn to fit you personally.
Place your order, call 863-510-6338 for information. Priced low. ...
We offer quality blown in cellouse insulation at wholesale pricing. Cellouse insulation is environment friendly, which consist mostly of recycled paper! Our insulation also contains borate ...
Looking for a roommate. We have a beautiful 3br n recently had roommate move out. Big fenced yard. We do have a dog. We are in Bayshore Gardens. Rent is $400 plus utilities. If interested please call ...
Auto Services —
Office: 786-282-1968
Location: 306 S.W. 3rd Ave. Homestead Fl. 33030
Local Towing Only $65.00
Licensed & Insured.
Light & Medium Duty Towing.
Warehouse space for rent, inquiries by phone or in person are welcome ...
$12000 — Motorcycle —
Cash....Clear Title....First come takes it....One Owner/Meticulously Maintained all Synthetics/Garage Kept/Original
Parts Retained after ungrades.
It is like having two bikes in one. Street G...
$100 — Jewelries —
Large lot with too many pcs to count, 3 big bags have 30 necklaces each, bags of bracelets, earrings, women's pins, 1 bag of a child's jewelry and fancy hair clips, charms and rings. Also included is...
I need a apartment for rent of 1 bedroom for my 19 year old daughter with autism and me not more than $800 because of the corona viruse going on theres no job so please if anyone knows any apartment i...