I have some wonderful items like furniture, stove, freezer, electronics, etc. for sale along with lots of free items for give-away. Please come see! It is on Saturday, 9/21, and Sunday, 9/22, from 10a...
French doors. 6 doors 35” x 78 “
3 doors 36” x 80 “
All solid wood double pane. All almost new. ...
Looking for energetic people to work at Dodgers stadium and the rose bowl. Walking up and down stairs selling food and drinks. Starting Friday 9/20 and Saturday 9/21 if intrested please leave ...
HUGE Church Yard Sale! On Saturday September 28, 2019 (8:00am to 12:00pm)
Brand name new Shoes, Fancy Dresses, Clothes, etc......
I have a grooming van that needs parking willing to pay. Please reply if you have a free spot in your driveway and want extra cash....
$10 — Jewelries —
1" long 3/4" wide 11 stones. Silver setting....
$40 — Appliances —
Front loader Maytag electric dryer. white. 240 plug. dryer was used twice and then put into storage for a year. Very low miles on the motor, however some surface damage (scratches) occurred by careles...
$2750 — House For Rent —
1 story pool house 3+2 $2750.00 + Deposit $2750.00 No smoking. Pet? with additional pet fee. Will require credit/ref....
$400 — Cell Phones —
Brand new iPhone XS MAX, gold with complete accessories never been used,with free space of 512gb....