Auto Services —
Mobile mechanic i come to you.21 years experience hand on cars repairs all cars model / years.Brakes pads/ rotors Brakes shoeStarterAxle RadiatorNo startGas pumpWater pumpCar don,t startBall jointTie ...
$350 — Home and Furnitures —
Tuscany Kitchen Table in great shape - Ted - 925-963-5710...
2 MEN AND A BOX TRUCK $60 HOURStorage and dumping is also available...
We have a part time position open for Organizing a private residence in San Jose.Must be able to work Sundays, and provide own transportation. Get paid after eachwork day. This job project should last...
Its brand new $1,500...
Its brand new in the box.$1,500...
NEW -- Never InstalledJenn-Air -Built in Double Wall Oven/ Electric/ Black30-in, black.ElectricUpper oven is self cleaning. Must provide own pickup and transportation, (and two strong people to load i...
I have a power wheel chair and a power adjustable hospital bed (no mattress) that belonged to my brother. This equipment is only 2 yrs old. Perfect for anyone in need of this kind of equipment (my bro...
SIZE MATTERS!!!!Looking to grow our team with people who share our energy and enthusiasm for creating the best experience for our customers Responsibilities of this job is to patrol roaming and standi...
$280 — Free Stuff —
We got indoor cookies, homemade pure quality wax, 99% pure coke for sale by ounces & up....