1992 32 ft motorhome, 72k miles , runs very well , priced to sell ,brand new Radiator just installed , complete reconditioning of the generator, brand new control board for the gen set , only 160 hour...
I have a brass fireplace fender which needs cleaning. It is approx. 4’ long and 8” high....
Almost like new, bought in Feb 2018. Black color. In excellent condition and works great....
One white Fridgidaire Refrigerator missing bottom 2 dr@wers. $75GE Refridgerator white $75...
Many items, small appliances, dishes, books, linens, toys, purses and jewelry from India, many other items 1205 Sierra Mar Dr., San Jose, CA x streets off Gardendale btwn Foxworthy & Hillsdale ...
Auto Services —
StarterAxleRadiatorNo startGas pumpWater pumpCar don,t startBall jointTie rod...
$850 — For Rent —
1 BEDROOM :(Perfer texting or calling to email for inquiry about space) NON-SMOKER INSIDE
house. Smoking is permitted in Back yard or Front yard
Shared Kitchen and Bathroom. Must provide your ow...
$350 — Home and Furnitures —
This desk is a beauty. It is in perfect condition....
$350 — Home and Furnitures —
This desk is very nice and clean and undamaged. It is a Winners Only Inc. desk and I'm moving and cannot take it with me....