Real Estate > House For Sale

House and land 15 Grand OBO ,fsbo ,half down takes it 2.5acre lot with house - $15000

  • Publish Date: 12-15-2019 17:16:25 |
  • Contact: Heath barmettler |
  • Location: New York 87577 |
  • Place: TAOS NM |
  • 790 times displayed |
House and land 15 Grand OBO ,fsbo ,half down takes it 2.5acre lot with house

2.5acre lot with house I'll take payment's with 1/2 down own your own place and be free of the ratrace border with national Forest BLM ant the Rio grande gorge preserve beautiful open veiws no neighbors no siren's no crime peaceful and happy , only 7500 down and it's yours .

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