Auto Services —
Trusted since 1999 to keep you and your family safe, is the highest rated auto body repair shop in all five New York City boroughs. When it comes to high-performance vehicles, fleet...
Auto Services —
Old state road Motorcar service ...
Car Lease Brooklyn Online
31 Pineapple St
Brooklyn, NY 11201646-693-5280
Working Hours: Mon-Th, Sat 09:00am-09:00pm; Fri 09...
Plumber or plumbers assistant needed for immediate hire. Salary based on experience. Must be able to be on call for emergency calls. Basic knowledge is mandatory. Work is on the island only, no city....
Looking for homes to clean...
Whitesboro mother will babysit in my home near Hart's Hill school. Call 315-736-1099....
Expert roofing. No down payment. Done in a professional and timely manner. Over 20 years experience ...
Looking for people who dont want to spend their time ckeaning and are looking for some help. Im looking to clean homes, offices, cottages, busses, apartments. A one time thing or reoccurring. I supply...
General house keeping duties:
Dust, vacuum, mop, clean bathrooms, kitchen, change
Home Services —
For all your interer and exterior painting needs 15 years experience free estatements give me a call James 607 371 4820...