At Above code exteriors we offer top quality products and unsurpassed installation of todays top performing exterior products. Inc. Roofing, Siding, James Hardie fiber Soffit fascia and 5' continuous...
We are a beauty lounge with services such as lashes, nails ,makeup,waxing ,spray tans. And we are seeking a talented hair dresser, who can provide hair services like colour, cut, blow outs. We already...
Auto Services —
Will pay and supply gas. Call Ken 905 467 9077....
St. Lawrence Academy in Prescott is offering Summer Adventure Camp for students ages 4-15 years of age. Daily themes that are designed for ultimate fun, learning and adventure. Games, field-trips, spo...
I can help your child with reading problems, comprehension and study/reading skills applicable to all subjects. Utilize this year ending and summer to provide your child with essential tools for next ...
Needing a ride to Bellingham Airport, from Surrey B.C. I pay the gas, I fill the tank, there and back and buy lunch. I am booked for July 21 back on the 24th. Can you help. I also buy lunch, 778 997 ...
Beautiful hairstyles to choose from Box Braids, Twist, three braids, Crochet style,choose any style....
Ladies!!Now hiring a new team member. Clear $17/hr. Experienced preferred. Normal hours are 4-5 hrs per day (Mon-Fri) for as many days per week as you want. Call 250-592-1124 for interview. Non-sm...
Housekeeper/driver (Surrey) hide this posting
© craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap
138th st at 72nd Ave
(google map)
compensation: $20.00 per hr
employment type: part-time
In search of ...
Custom Power Clean 778-350-4401 “Cleaning what-ever when-ever you can’t” Professional Interior & Exterior Cleaning Pre-Move, Move-out & Post Const...