Service - Canada

Event Planner offer Service

Event Planner


Looking for experience event planner. Need to be creative and must have at least 2 years of experience planning for weeding, meetings, parties etc. Must be business minded and eager to grow a busine...

Paint detailing offer Auto Services

Paint detailing

Auto Services

Clean up your paint job . Looks great and ups resale Minor scratches and blemishes go away. Rail dust , disappears. Wet sand , compound , polish, wax. I do the same work for car dealerships ...



Professional Services

Professional petsitter in your home. My job is to make your travels worry-free. One client at a time, no drop ins. Check out Facebook for weekly updates and photos.Website ...

Benefit from this loan offer offer Financial Services

Benefit from this loan offer

Financial Services

You wish to benefit from a credit to break the deadlock. We offer loans between individuals and small businesses with interest rates ranging from 1.5 to 3%. We do not require a lot of documents, so if...

cheaper yard care    dog poop clean up  offer Home Services

cheaper yard care dog poop clean up

Home Services

text or call 4035989170 red deer and area get a free quote most places 40 a yard for dog poop clean up 25 for service every 2 weeks lawn mowing most places are 70 to a 100 for every two we...

Curran Carpet & Flooring offer Financial Services

Curran Carpet & Flooring

Financial Services

Installation of carpet,vinyl,hardwood,laminate,and ceramic floor & wall tile.27 years experience.All labor guaranteed.Free estimates & consultations....

Contractor Renovations  offer Professional Services

Contractor Renovations

Professional Services

Service Renovations kitchens and baths Renovations Basement Renovations Drywall/Repair tile Painting home improvement Service for call 416 823 4643...

Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic!  offer Professional Services

Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic!

Professional Services

Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic! Princesses - Mascots - Super Heroes and many more will visit the website! Fan Page: Montréal Mascotte Group: Montreal Masco...

Montreal Mascotte Animation - Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic!  offer Professional Services

Montreal Mascotte Animation - Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic!

Professional Services

Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic! Princesses - Mascots - Super Heroes and many more will visit the website! Fan Page: Montréal Mascotte Group: Montreal Masco...

Montreal Mascottes ,Mascot Animation house ,birthday Kid ,Event offer Professional Services

Montreal Mascottes ,Mascot Animation house ,birthday Kid ,Event

Professional Services

Birthday at home or Special Event with our best animators! Several Thematic! Princesses - Mascots - Super Heroes and many more will visit the website! Fan Page: Montréal Mascotte Group: Montreal Masco...

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