EVERYTHING MUST GO!! Moving to California soon. Need to sell everything! Furniture, shop tools, shelving, book cases, DVD's, dished, small kitchen appliances, computer desk and chairs, Aussie saddl...
Moving, Everything must go, Household items, womens clothes, from size 10 to 16, Gas BBQ and much more. Low Low Prices on everything. Dont Miss out. 9 am to 5 pm. Thur, Fri. And Sat. 7/11 thru 7/13....
Tall light-wood shelf unit (there are two of them). 58" tall x 32" wide x 14" deep. Free...
Beautiful condition. From Ethan Allen. (Can have mattress as well if desired.) Headboard section: 39 1/2" tall x 57 1/2" wide x 10 1/2" deep. Total with headboard: 88" long. Full size bed. Free....
Solid oak small profile computer desk with hutch. 29" tall (51 1/2" tall w/hutch) x 40 1/2" wide x 23 1/2" deep. ...
This black 6-drawer Dresser has hardly been used. 4' x 31 1/2" wide x 19" deep. Free....
GX620 Therma Arc Predator Pro Generator Arc Welder. 478 hours w/ electric start. New battery and fully serviced. Trailer mounted, Welding leads only needing a new stinger. Contact Jon at (Three-Si...
253-666-2168 ...
Jogger/bike attachable Baby/child Stroller,collapsible blue and gray. Max is one child,weight max is 75 lbs to include baggage for jogger mode, and 100 lbs in bike mode. Very good condition, Wind/Rain...
Leather 3 cushion comfortable couch, must sell moving, senior couple, $50 firm, Roger 509-279-3044....