Samsung Tv
Appliances — 06-06-2019
Samsung tv 23” Works great...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-03-2019
We have a canlis gift card that we received as a annivarsay guft but due to a oersonal family emergency we have to leave town immidatly. Its a very upscale resturant tha does have a dress cide located...
Musical Instrument — 06-03-2019
Kimball Fascination Organ used. Good shape, works, just needs speakers....
$30 — Home and Furnitures — 06-02-2019
Christmas stocking holders, shelf or fireplace , sturdy and festive text dorothy 425-802-4663...
$30 — Home and Furnitures — 06-02-2019
Christmas ... box of red poinsettias , long stems, I used for Christmas tree, may also use for floral display text dorothy 425-802-4663...
$80 — Home and Furnitures — 06-02-2019
37" tall, use as bar stools, chairs for tall table Text Dorothy 425-802-4663...
$125 — Home and Furnitures — 06-02-2019
High quality, sturdy, mat be painted to your choiceText Dorothy 425-802-4663...
Games — 06-01-2019
Guitars only being sold at yard sale....
Business and Franchise — 05-30-2019
$20 for one picture of my feet, $50 for 3 pics, for professional feet pics it would cost $100+...
Health and Beauty — 05-27-2019
Movable Table ideal for dentist or jeweler . Weighs approximately 13 lbs. Best offer, call Ted at 360 463 0815...
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