Metal desk
$1000 — Home and Furnitures — 11-03-2021
Metal desk very sturdy 5'×2'6" oak top 6 drawers! Like new condition! 1000$ ...
$1000 — Home and Furnitures — 11-03-2021
Metal desk very sturdy 5'×2'6" oak top 6 drawers! Like new condition! 1000$ ...
Computers and Electronics — 09-18-2021
Basically new carpet cleaner and good radio system call4044498522 msv...
Computers and Electronics — 09-16-2021
Taking reasonable offers moving small black microwave and 3 piece radio system also have other stuff under freebies and carpet cleaner 4044498522ms.v...
Free Stuff — 09-16-2021
Chest drawers nitestand oldertv with DVD movies kitchen table patio table grill call 4044498522 Ms.v...
Free Stuff — 09-16-2021
Chest drawers one nite stand olda tv n DVDs movie grill kitchen table patio table end tables free moving so free to who wants 4044498522 msv...
Tools — 09-16-2021
Fairly new moving so don't need call 4044498522 80 accepting offers have radio system and artdesk to also microwave and chinuhah small dog...
Free Stuff — 09-16-2021
Dressers nitestand kitchen table patio table grill coffee table call 4044498522...
Free Stuff — 09-16-2021
Dressers nitestand kitchen table patio table cover table older tv trash can free msv if interested 4044498522...
Appliances — 09-16-2021
Have for sale accept in offers call v at 4044498522...
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