Yard Sale
Garage and Moving Sale — 12-09-2022
Tools, Nik nacks, small appliances, Artwork, New Christmas items, glassware. To much to include. Huge...
Garage and Moving Sale — 12-09-2022
Tools, Nik nacks, small appliances, Artwork, New Christmas items, glassware. To much to include. Huge...
$100 — Sporting Goods — 11-26-2022
1 7ft Olympic bar 1 ez curl bar 2 25 lb ,2 10 lb,2 5 lb,,1 set 20 hex dumbbells 1 set 10 lb dumbbells...
Garage and Moving Sale — 11-04-2022
Yard sale Friday November 4th to Sunday November 6th. Selling clothing, furniture, jewelry ,purses, baby items,shoes etc. Reasonable prices. ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 10-10-2022
Lots of good stuff for sale: microwave, Christmas tree & decorations, misc household goods, camping equipment, toys, tools, truck tires & rims (15x8), green wire fencing, etc....
Home and Furnitures — 10-05-2022
PVC 4 chair with 48 in. round Pvc table for sale. Asking $ 150.00 in very good shape....
Home and Furnitures — 10-03-2022
4 12x 4 ft. solar panels. One brand new (800.00) 3, 3 years old. 800.00 for all....
Garage and Moving Sale — 09-16-2022
Garage/Yard Sale Saturday and Sunday, September 17th noon - 4:00 and 18th 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. rain or shine. Look for signs just South of International Speedway Blvd. on both Peninsula Dr. and A1A for G...
Home and Furnitures — 09-14-2022
Like new mattress used as spare room bed, rarely used. Clean smoke free home, always had a mattress protector on it. We changed our spare room usage so no longer need....
Lawn and Garden — 08-30-2022
I have a sago palm in my yard that I want to get rid of. It’s at least 27 years old and the top of the fronds are at least 8 ft tall. $400 or best offer and you have to come dig it up and transport it...
Home and Furnitures — 08-29-2022
Armoire and two matching nightstands like new great condition...
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