Job > Part Time

Hire me as a nanny, educator or teacher of the art of writing for kids age 4-12 years old

  • Publish Date: 01-07-2018 23:48:47 |
  • Contact: Ilda |
  • Location: New York |
  • Place: Staten Island, Manhattan |
  • 689 times displayed |

My name is Ilda.

I'm 35 years old with a long background in journalism and studies in the same field and also psycology. I hold a master degree in Journalism and a Bachelor degree in Psycology.

I am currently living New York, Staten Island and I am looking for full or part time job opportunities as a nanny, educator or/& teacher (motivator) of artistic talents (specially in the writing field) for kids from age 4 to 12.

What can I offer in and with my work :

1. I can be simply a nanny for your kid(s), hopefully not more than two kids at the same time by helping them to dress up, clean up after themselves, preparing light food for them or simply spending quality time with them like talking, playing, reading or any other hobbies they may enjoy getting involved at.

2. Assisting, motivating, encouraging and inspiring them in their special creative or artistic crafts/hobbies as a way of self expression and a way of communicating with others (either with their parents, peers or other adults in their enviroment). I am a writer so kids with a pasion in writing would greatly benefit from me to advance their artistic skills as a way of connecting with others and also as a way of channeling&expressing their deepest feelings and emotions.

3. I can offer help and assistant for kids with special needs by engaging them in activities they enjoy the most or simply spending quality time with them by reading to them, or trying to engage them in activities that can help their development like in writing or drawing or computer to mention few. Or I can help by taking care of their basic daily needs like walking them out to the garden or any nearby park, or feeding them if they can't themselves or in any other needed way.

4. Assisting and encouraging kids with any and introvert personality to express themselves better socially and to cultivate and remind them of their inner gifts as introverts and develop those gifts more instead of shutting them out.

5. Another category of kids I would take care and assist with is hyperactive kids by channeling their energy into healthier venues and ways in their daily interactions and activities.

I love kids and I love to see them grow healthier in their development so I will work with my heart with them to give them the most of me so can benefit the most of my skills and experience.

I have experience as assistance teacher (as a volunteer) in orpahange comunities with kids age 4 to 12 so I already know something about them even though im well aware of every child's uniquesness and I will do my best to bring forth this very fact that every child is born and is unique not to be compared.

If you have questions or need more information about me please feel free to text me anytime and I will get back to you as soon I can.

Ps.I can also be a helper or assistant to single mothers who can't deal alone in their day to day life with their child/kids.

Thank you.


Tags: helper

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