Home Health
Part Time — 04-20-2020
Need someone part time to help with cooking and running errands. 2 to 3 hrs per day. Pay up to 14$ per hour cash. For a 65 yr. old W M. Statesboro, Ga Email Kenphil8@gmail.com...
Part Time — 04-20-2020
Need someone part time to help with cooking and running errands. 2 to 3 hrs per day. Pay up to 14$ per hour cash. For a 65 yr. old W M. Statesboro, Ga Email Kenphil8@gmail.com...
Part Time — 06-10-2018
I need a babysitter for my 11 year old daughter Bailey. She is very mature and it will be very easy need part-time for the rest of the summer each time needed at least $40 cash that day and more for m...
Part Time — 03-17-2018
Able to drive with vaild license. Will train right person . Must be willing to work . $1000, $12.00 per hrs to start. Contact 770-265-7774...
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