Job > Full Time

Purchasing Agent

  • Publish Date: 06-03-2020 11:21:43 |
  • Contact: Albino Armansco |
  • Location: Ontario L4K3N9 |
  • Place: Vaughan |
  • 519 times displayed |

SAVOIA CHAIR FRAMES LTD. – requires a full time purchasing
agent to work full time (30/30 hours per week). Wages: $28.57 to $45.19 per
hour. Please send resume to:
– College education. Personal suitability. Effective interpersonal skills, team
player, organized, excellent oral communication, client focus, excellent
written and oral communication. Additional skills: hire, train and supervise
staff. Business equipment and computer. Applications: MsWord, Electronic mail,
MS Outlook. Specific skills: purchase general and specialized equipment,
materials or business services, asses requirements of establishments, develop
specifications for equipment, materials and supplies to be purchased, invite
tenders, consult with suppliers, review quotations, determine contract terms
and conditions, award contracts or recommended contract awards, establish
delivery schedules, monitor progress of delivery schedules, contact clients and
suppliers to resolve problems. Work setting: private sector, business service.

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