Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

12 homes Community Sales in 4041 Churchill Downs Dr. Sub. Gainesville, 30507

  • Publish Date: 07-15-2020 18:08:52 |
  • Contact: Allen Currens |
  • Location: Atlanta 30507 |
  • Place: 4041 Churchill Downs Dr.,Gainesville, Ga.30507 |
  • 435 times displayed |

Rain or Shine,,,,July 17-18 Fri.- Sat. 8am-3pm. Out of 38 homes 12 are participating!! Good stuff!! We have outdoor furn...Folding Camp Table..Billiard Light..Stereo..Some tools.. Industrial cart..Plants.. Cowhide leather..Modern farmhouse decor...Household needs...Unbelieveable amounts!! Follow the big pink signs.. then the balloons on mailboxes... In South Hall off Tanners Mill Rd. and E.211 and 53.

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