Classifieds - Akron

The Crew offer Cleaning Services

The Crew

Cleaning Services

Brand new cleaning crew. Let us come through and get it clean for you . Any space home office or garage. We offer great service at a great price. Let us clean for you....

Greatdaneautorepair offer Auto Services


Auto Services

Water pump,starters,heater core windows fuel pumps lights panels radior brakes rotors wheel bearings hubs CV axles 304 218 3145...

Mattress offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

mattress, exercise equipment Good condition King Queen Twin ...

 Husvarna    Lawn Tractor Yth 2848 offer Lawn and Garden

Husvarna Lawn Tractor Yth 2848

Lawn and Garden

Husvarna Lawn Tractor YTH 2848 used 2 Seasons. 700 .00...

John Deere #216 lawn tractor  offer Lawn and Garden

John Deere #216 lawn tractor

Lawn and Garden

John Deere 216 lawn tractor. 42 “ cut. Canfield Ohio...

Hand bag/purse offer Clothes

Hand bag/purse


Michael Kors medium logo pocket tote bag. Was new $ 103.95 //now $80.00 smoke free household. Excellent cond ...

Hand bag/purse offer Clothes

Hand bag/purse


Michael kors shoulder bag jet set medium was new $ 104.00 now $80.00 smoke free household, excellent cond....

Hand bag/purse offer Clothes

Hand bag/purse


Michael Kors raven logo shoulder bag "color vanilla" was $298.00 now $120.00 smoke free household excellent condition....

Hand bag offer Clothes

Hand bag


Dooney & Bourke $48.00...

Hand bag/purse offer Clothes

Hand bag/purse


Michael kors new was $125/ now $55...

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