Furnished room rental
$140 — Apartment For Rent — 04-18-2018
E Fishkill Furnished room includes all utilities.close to loop transportation. Parks, rail trail etc.....$140 per week...
$140 — Apartment For Rent — 04-18-2018
E Fishkill Furnished room includes all utilities.close to loop transportation. Parks, rail trail etc.....$140 per week...
Roomate Wanted — 04-17-2018
Alternative to Casino accomadations. Large very private home. Privacy and descretion. Four rooms with baths. Two rooms for permant tenants. Must have vehicle. Large kitchen with a private refrigerator...
$1095 — Apartment For Rent — 04-17-2018
Available immediately:Clean and spacious two floor apt. Separate entrance (Section 8 ok)Upper level has 3 Bedrooms and full bath.Lower level has full kitchen, stove, fridge Spacious living room,Dinnet...
$550 — Computers and Electronics — 04-17-2018
selling a new computer,was plugged in once and I cannot get the hang of windows 10,It is a Dell Inspiron 24 series 3000.Keyboard and mouse are wireless,and still in the original box. The monitar is ou...
General Labor — 04-17-2018
Must have a license and be able to lift 50lbs or more call 607 438 7334 for an application...
Vacation Home For Rent — 04-16-2018
Adirondack by Owner property # 9786 check it out Olympic size pool. 2000 square feet 4 bedrooms 2 full bathbest rates ever. Memorial day still open an fourth of July week rent from memorial day till O...
Community — 04-16-2018
Society of Unique Artists is a registered 501(c)(3), non-profit art organization, that accepts piano donations from all around the country. We are a reliable and expedient source to rid yourself of yo...
For Rent — 04-16-2018
Large studio in Manhattan on west 55 st. And 8 th ave In the heart of midtown. Beautiful studio with brick wall with Separated kitchen and bath. Landry in the basement. Large closet mirrors. Very...
Apartment For Rent — 04-16-2018
Quiet beautiful large studio in the heart of Manhattan with brick wall separate kitchen and bath large closet mirrors wonderfully decorated on west 55 st between 8 and 9 aves laundry in the basemen...
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