Home Services —
Full Women and Men Service's. For busy people or people that require onsite services. I bring the salon to you. With 20+ years experience and a previous salon owner. I provide custom hair cuts , Gold...
Auto Services —
mobile auto body repair 75% off shop prices we repair collusion dents scratches scuffs and do part replacement installation painting all done in a same day service guarantee call Text 917.435.9488...
Power chair used very little excellent condition needs new battery won't hold charge asking 400.00 negotiable...
Renovating kitchen selling cabinets. Good size for an apartment or small kitchen. ...
Renovating kitchen selling cabinets. Good size for an apartment or small kitchen. ...
We made a double order by mistake and have no room to keep this Cream-colored Sofa. A steal at 500.00! I’m open to reasonable negotiations...50.00 off for anyone who can take it in the next 7 days!.....
1915 Dental Cabinet belonged to Dr. Walter I. Burrell after 1926 in Watkins Glen, NY.
It has many original tools and supplies with it. 5 feet 3 inches high, 3 feet wide, 16 inches deep and weighs 187...
1915 Dental Cabinet belonged to Dr. Walter I. Burrell after 1926 in Watkins Glen, NY.
It has many original tools and supplies with it. 5 feet 3 inches high, 3 feet wide, 16 inches deep and weighs 187...
$115000 — Car —
1991 MB 420 sel excellent condition interior mint never driven in winter months always serviced dy certified Mercedes Benz mechanics 103000 miles looks and drives beautifull needs nothing...