Classifieds - Missouri

1994 corvette offer Car

1994 corvette


1994 corvette 52k miles black leather automatic removable top great car ...

Motor carrier dispatch services  offer Auto Services

Motor carrier dispatch services

Auto Services

Are you a new motor carrier, owner/operator, or small business looking for excellent dispatching services? Well, KINGDOM DISPATCHING IS HERE TO HELP! We are here for your all over the road needs. We o...

N.J.T.S.(professional house painting) offer Professional Services

N.J.T.S.(professional house painting)

Professional Services

Reasonable rates,quality work.need your kitchen painted? House powerwased? We do it all,remember,no job is too small...

whirlpool washer and dryer offer Appliances

whirlpool washer and dryer


I am willing to negotiate price but only serious inquiries and cash . You must pick it up because I can't deliver. I am moving so I want to get rid of them. The set is only three years old. Text me or...

$40,000.00 offer Mobile Home For Sale


Mobile Home For Sale

3 bedroom double-wide with 8 lots. Metal roof and 2 decks. 8 lots. LaBelle, MO. Call 217-430-8846. Ideal for hunters....

Dining room and hutch offer Home and Furnitures

Dining room and hutch

$2250Home and Furnitures

8 chair with claw legs table with glass hutch.f...

Nisan murano offer Car

Nisan murano


2005 Nissan Murano, call Darren at 816-254-4471...

1998 ford f150 4wd offer Truck

1998 ford f150 4wd


Cardinal red, spray in bed liner, new battery, well maintained, 68750 miles....

1900 Senate St. louis Mo 63118 offer Apartment For Rent

1900 Senate St. louis Mo 63118

$775Apartment For Rent

2-3 bedroom apt.1 bath..hardwood street parking...

1999 Ford Seabreeze (National) offer RV

1999 Ford Seabreeze (National)


Newly redone on inside but has recently had exterior leak causing damage to inside.10 cylinder gas engine,milage 028307.For sale for $12,000. No pop-out sides, but very comfortable....

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