We are now taking more clients for handyman services such as : fall clean up
Lawncare& Landscaping
Small remodeling
If you need us to help,you get the job done call us for more details & futher ...
Auto Services —
We are now offering full mechanic& small engine and automobile repair work ,if you need anything done at the right price give us a call for more details and futher information for a free estimate....
$20 — Cleaning Services —
We offer full maid sevices such as : house cleaning,window cleaning anything needs to get the job done price includes all cleaning needs .
Must have a 2 hour minimum
Please call for details & ...
$30 — Home Services —
Tmc cleaning services is now have handy man services we do clean up ,construction,painting,shovel dirt or snow ,do windows etc we have workers that will manual labor all your needs call Theresa cox fo...
$20 — Cleaning Services —
We have new openings for cleaning services we clean everything that is needed to get the job done our prices are $20 per hour with a 2hr minimum, if you need handy man services we have workers that ca...
$13700 — SUV —
Oak dining room table w/ 4 chairs asking $100, 18 cf ref with top freezer yr old was $800 sell for $300. Assorted bookcases, Large $20, small $10. washer and dryer $100 for both. Black coffee table 2...
$275 — Tools —
Hitachi Nail fastner for joist hangers and to shoot through metal. ...
$100 — Appliances —
Kenmore Elec dryer...
Honda GX 390 4000 psi Power Washer...