Multi family garage sale, items include: records, puzzles, VHS tapes, CD's, DVD's, Record player and other electronics, books, dollhouse miniatures, dolls (some Barbies), few tools, large bird cage, S...
Lake Mary area looking to trim and neatly put all of your man area of your private man area....
Home for sale unusually. 2b/1bath 1221sf Beautiful home, new roof, granite counters, bath, 2 1/2 garage,office, fireplace,shed,wood floors, 40x12 patio. Perfect for retirees or young couples ...
I am seeking retail management position. I have 30 yrs. experience in retail that includes management. I also have 3 yrs. experience as a line cook can work any section of the kitchen. I am the stroge...
Great condition screaming eagle pipes 23miles 5,000 ...
$375 — Home and Furnitures —
Sleeper Sofa with matching Love Seat also Coffee Table with matching End Tables also Large Recliner Rocker Chair...
$100 — Lawn and Garden —
It needs work... won,t start
100.00 OBO.....
Black leather couch with minor wear
Amana Dryer and Kenmore Washing Machine
Used but both still work
75.00 each or 100.00 for both...