$1500 — Apartment For Rent —
Two large bedrm Duplex, 1.5 baths, living rm ( hardwood floors), kitchen, completely renovated, new haven downtown area, deck, garage, located on a dead end street, quiet neighborhood ...
Frame , mattress , box spring. Clean, good condition
Must pick up. ...
Car Broker CT
78 Audubon St
New Haven, CT 06510
+1 203-516-4666
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Working Hours: Mo-Th, Sa 09:00am-09:00pm; Fr 09:00am-07:00pm; Su 10:...
Auto Services —
Car Broker CT
78 Audubon St
New Haven, CT 06510
+1 203-516-4666
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Working Hours: Mo-Th, Sa 09:00am-09:00pm; Fr 09:00am-07:00pm; Su 10:...
Car Broker CT
78 Audubon St
New Haven, CT 06510
+1 203-516-4666
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Working Hours: Mo-Th, Sa 09:00am-09:00pm; Fr 09:00am-07:00pm; Su 10:...
This truck will be sold at auction with no reserve
50 Taugwonk Spur
On Right -- HUGE BUILDING __ an international cab will be sold, a boat -100 tool boxes and machi...
2 plaid twin loveseat beds (cleaned & in very good condition) 1 navy blue & 1 wine colored cover included. Mattresses like new....
Black, 2 wheel drive Nissan. New brakes, shocks, starter, cap and rotor. Bed liner, chrome rims, Kenwood detachable face stereo. Back rack. 5 speed manual transmission. $1600 OBO...
Home Services —
Call us for affordable quality plumbing. Services include installing fixtures, installing heat, troubleshooting problems and gas. We do everything plumbing related! ...
3 Piece Desk, file cabinet, desk, printer table good shape