Two Story House Central Durango Location
House For Rent — 07-30-2018
126 West 20th St.4BR, 2 bath, woodstove, 1-car detached garage, fenced backyard. Call 970.259.9460 for more information....
House For Rent — 07-30-2018
126 West 20th St.4BR, 2 bath, woodstove, 1-car detached garage, fenced backyard. Call 970.259.9460 for more information....
Free Stuff — 07-29-2018
Free Baldwin Upright Piano with bench. In good shape. Would be great for a beginning student or a church. ...
$20000 — House For Sale — 07-28-2018
house is 1000 sqft and sits on 5 acres, well, septic, solar panels/wind generator and gas generator. this house is unfinished and needs work sold "AS IS " seasonal brook behind the house. Will conside...
$150 — Home and Furnitures — 07-28-2018
Sleeper sofa and matching two seat reclining love seat and center console. All in good shape. Price is OBO. text 970-879-0040 for more info...
Construction Jobs — 07-24-2018
Fair & Square Construction is looking for Carpenters, Carpenter Apprentices and Laborers. Please apply in person at 2673 Jacob Circle, Unit 700 or send resume to fairsquareoffice@yahoo.com....
Kid Stuff — 07-22-2018
It has a high chair, changing table, bathtub, shelves and a place to hang up clothes. Brand New! $30...
Full Time — 07-19-2018
WANTED- Apartment Manager and Maintenance Person. Pay based on Experience.SUNBURST APARTMENTS LAMAR, CO. 40 unit Multi Family, Rural Development Housing. Some Computer and Maintenance Experience Requ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-19-2018
8 Mission slat back DR chairs, 30+ padded with wicker back chairs, DR tables, chest of drawers, 2 cedar chests, Mission 9 drawer desk, drop front desk, wooden bed frames, maple drop leaf DR table, Art...
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